Saying Good Bye To More Than Just A Client

It was a very emotional day yesterday witnessing one of my very first clients and now close friend Ashley Harrison announce his retirement. Ash is one of the good guys of sport.  He is always respectful and professional in the way he approaches his life and those around him.  Through another close friend and former client Kevin Campion, I was introduced to a young man who had the football world at his feet.  He was just breaking into the Broncos top team and there was mutual respect between both Kevin (the Broncos Lock) and Ashley (The young Gun).  Kevin brought him along to a coffee and pumped up his tyres but Ash as always played it down.

Unfortunately Ashley needed to leave the Broncos due to salary cap pressures back then and we found him a home at the South Sydney Rabbitohs.  This was a good move for Ash, it developed his game and allowed him to take it to a whole new level.  He was made captain and his leadership was acknowledged by his peers and through his performances and exposure he gained Origin selection.  I am always proud of the achievements and performances of my clients.  I am especially proud when they bounce back from a setback like injury or poor performances to again stand tall amongst the best athletes in our sport.  I have witness first hand Ashley bouncing back and going on to achieve higher accolades.  It was when he was at the Roosters, he suffered a knee injury that was one of the worst the medical team had seen.  To his credit and to reinforce just how professional Ashley is, he came back from that injury, moved clubs and went onto gain selection in the almighty Queensland Origin team which went on to dominate Origin for a number of years.

I know from talking to my other clients, Ashley is the player that other players like to know are beside them on the battle field. He never lets his team mates down and always stands tall when it counts.

He has done himself and his family proud over the years and I am extremely proud to have managed his career from the start to the end, it has been a tremendous journey filled with plenty of ups and downs but in the end the good guy finished on top.  I only hope that the Titans can continue to perform and make the 2014 season a year Ashley and his team mates can remember.

It would be a great ending if he could finish like he started, At the start of his career Ashley won a Grand Final medal with the Broncos, lets  hope he can end his career with a Grand Final medal with the Titans.

Congratulations Ash on a tremendous career…

Chris Orr

Managing Director – Pacific Sports Management